
ALAI is a forum for continuous and vigilant reflection on all issues raised by literary and artistic property in our modern world, where technological progress constantly changes the ways in which creative works are used. Its Executive Committee holds regular meetings at least twice a year and deals with current issues at each of its sessions.

Every year, all members are invited to participate in congresses, devoted to the discussion of fundamental themes concerning copyright, or in study days where specific issues are addressed in the light of the laws of all the countries represented within the Association.

ALAI regularly publishes its work in books which are an essential tool for the study of current developments affecting copyright.

ALAI receives the Adepi Award 2024!

The Spanish Minister of Culture, Mr. Ernest Urtasun, presents the Adepi Award 2024 to the president of ALAI, Professor Frank Gotzen. Adepi is the association that represents the Spanish collective management organizations for intellectual property rights.

ALAI receives the Adepi Award 2024

The Adepi Award recognizes the efforts of those people and institutions who have contributed to the defense of artists and cultural creators, as well as the development of intellectual property rights.

This year, Adepi values the significant role of ALAI in shaping international legal frameworks concerning copyright and performers' rights. Specifically, ALAI has been instrumental in promoting creativity while ensuring the protection of the moral and economic rights of creators.

The Adepi Award trophy, forged from a single piece of polished solid aluminum that evokes the image and identity of the Gestión Colectiva seal, is the work of the sculptor Pere Casanovas.

(Madrid, 3 July 2024)